Tianshui Normal University
Application Form for Enrollment (Short-term Program)
本表可复印使用 If necessary, please make a copy of this form and fill it out.
请在所选项目框“£”内划“√”表示选择 Please indicate with “√”in the blanks chosen.
本文须用中文或英文印刷体填写,没有的请填写“无”,其他文字或缺项填写无效 Please write clearly in PRINT CAPITALS OR LETTERS (Chinese or English ). Please write "None" if not applicable. An incomplete application or application completed in language other than Chinese or English will not be accepted.
推荐在线提交申请 Please send application form and supporting documents to: international@tsnu.edu.cn
护照姓名 Name on Passport |
姓 Surname: |
photo |
名 Given Name: |
中文姓名│Chinese Name |
性别│Gender |
国籍│Nationality |
护照号码│Passport No. |
电话号码│Telephone No. |
出生日期│Date of Birth |
Y M D |
出生地点│Place of Birth |
婚姻状况│Marital Status |
£单身 Single £已婚 Married |
宗教信仰│Religion |
兴趣爱好Hobbies |
职业Occupation |
最高学历 Highest Degree/Diploma obtained |
£高中 High School £本科 Bachelor £硕士 Master £博士PhD £其他 Others |
汉语能力 Chinese Proficiency |
HSK £Zero basis £Level 1 £Level 2 £Level 3 £ Level 4 £Level 5 £Leve 6 or Equal Level |
英语能力 English Proficiency |
£ Native speaker £TOEFL(score) IELTS_______ £日常生活用Daily life use. £不会说 Cannot speak. |
目前工作或学习单位 Employer or Institution Affiliated |
目前工作或学习单位联系方式 Contact Tel of Employer or Institution Affiliated. |
通讯地址│Mailing Address |
电子邮件│E-mail Address |
通信地址(邮寄录取通知书和JW202表)│Mailing address for Admission Notice and JW202 |
永久住址│Permanent address in your country(If different from post address above) |
来华学习专业 Field of Study in China |
专业名称 Major1: 专业名称 Major2: |
申请留学类型 Program Type |
£ 学历教育 Associate Degree Programs £ 语言进修 Chinese Language Program |
学习期限│Duration of Study |
从 From 年Y 月M 至to 年Y 月M |
是否有来华学习经历 Any Study Experience in China |
£有;如有,学习期限是从 年 月至 年 月 Yes, From m. yr. to m. yr. £无 No |
推荐单位│Reference |
推荐单位电话│Reference Tel. |
在华事务担保人 Guarantor in China |
经济担保人或机构 Financial support will be provided by |
担保人电话 Guarantor Tel. |
注意事项 Notes
1. 申请人在提交本表时,请同时提交以下相关材料
Applicant should also submit the following documents:
护照复印件 One photocopy of valid passport
相应的毕业证书、成绩单复印件 One photocopy of diploma and academic transcript
l 外国人体格检查表复印件 One photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form
HSK 证书复印件 One photocopy of HSK certificate
l 无犯罪记录证明 Proof of no criminal record
l 在华事务担保人保证书 Letter from guardian of the international student studying at WXIC
l 经济保证证明 Letter of Financial Guarantee
l 护照电子照片 Digital passport photo
个人陈述 Personal statement
证明自己综合能力的材料(如有)Awards or certificates (if applicable)
2. 报名申请材料经提交,均不退还。
The application materials will not be returned once submitted.
1. 上述各项中所提供的情况真实无误,如有不符,自愿接受学校取消入学资格的处理。
I hereby declare that all the information given in this form is true and correct. I will accept disqualification from the school if there is any discrepancy.
2. 在中国学习期间将遵守中国法律和学校规章制度。
I shall abide by the laws of the P.R.C and the regulations of the Institute.
申请人签字│Signature of Candidate 日期│Date